How to Use This Course (READ THIS FIRST):
The philosophy behind Thriving is to teach you the highest-reward habits and then integrate them into your daily routine for consistent and compounded total health benefits. These highly beneficial habits will evolve as your knowledge and skills evolve through the course of each lesson in the Breathing Module. Each lesson will include a text that will teach you, designated by “(Reading)”, and at least one habit designed for life-changing benefits, designated by “(Practice)”.Β First, study the reading for in-depth information, scientific sources, and a detailed overview of the topic. Each reading will serve as a springboard to prepare you to level up to a new technique that will further improve the benefits you are receiving from your breathing practice. After you have completed the reading you will take action and perform a “Practice” and record it in your Breathing Journal to keep a record of your progress and improve your consistency.
Each lesson is designed to be completed in one week. Ideally, you will read the “Reading” on the first day of the week, then perform at least one practice a day and record it in your Breathing Journal each day. The following week advance to the next lesson and start the process again, completing the readings and performing one practice a day, each week until you complete the course in the 4th week. After completion of the course continue setting aside time daily to practice and record the practice of your new habit. Consistently practice and watch your total health benefits compound, providing physical, mental, emotional, and even financial health benefits.Β Now, without further adieu let’s get started.
Why Learn Breathing Techniques?
Why is breathing important? Did you know breathing activates brain regions directly responsible for the very essence of what makes us human including the feelings we have, the decisions we make, and even our very perceptions of reality? Breathing has been a central part of numerous religions across the world because the connections between breathing and a calm, noble mind are self-evident. Finally, the science has caught up and we can pinpoint exactly what techniques to use to improve intelligence, decision-making, stress relief, happiness, and even physical health. We cut through the mystical dogma that commonly obscures these practices and we get straight to the evidence-based techniques that you can add to your daily routine to reduce stress, enhance IQ, and improve happiness massively.
Get started now, here. —>Β B99-Intro-to-Breathing (Reading)
If you prefer you can access all the readings and exercises at once in the Breathing Module: Full Workbook pdf at this linkβ> Breathing Module: Full Workbook
Record your daily breathing practice using the Week 1 Breathing Journal here. —> Breathing Journal Week 1 (Practice)
Record your daily breathing practice if you need more space for notes and comments in your Daily Breathing Journal here —> Daily Breathing Journal (Practice)
Check out the cheat sheet for using your very first breathing practice, deep nasal breathing, here. —>How to Perform Deep Nasal Breathing (Practice).
Follow this roughly 30-second guided breathing audio and start gaining the benefits of breathing immediately! —> One Breath 30-second Guided Audio (Practice)
Follow along with this roughly 1 minute guided breathing audio and start gaining benefits quickly and easily! —> One Breath 1-minute Guided Audio (Practice)